预售 按需印刷 Ion Transport and Solvation Dynamics
【预售】Solvation Thermodynamics
【预订】Peptide Solvation and H-bonds
【预售】Molecular Theory of Solvation
【预订】Ions in Solution and Their Solvation
【预订】Solvation Dynamics
【预售】Single-Ion Solvation: Experimental and Theoretical
【预订】Continuum Solvation Models In Chemical Physics - From Theory To Applications
【预订】Solvation Effects on Molecules and Biomolecules
【预售】Solvation Dynamics: A Notion of Charge Injection
海外直订Solvation Dynamics: A Notion of Charge Injection
海外直订Porous Carbons - Hyperbranched Polymers - Polymer Solvation 多孔炭.超支化聚合物.聚合物溶剂化
海外直订Porous Carbons - Hyperbranched Polymers - Polymer Solvation 多孔碳.超支化聚合物.聚合物溶剂化
【4周达】Porous Carbons - Hyperbranched Polymers - Polymer Solvation [9783319136165]
【4周达】Porous Carbons - Hyperbranched Polymers - Polymer Solvation [9783319367194]
【4周达】Continuum Solvation Models In Chemical Physics - From Theory To Applications [Wiley化学化工] [9780470029381]
【4周达】Solvation Dynamics : A Notion of Charge Injection [9789811384431]
【4周达】Solvation Effects on Molecules and Biomolecules: Computational Methods and Applications [9789048178261]
Computational Methods for Electromagnetic Phenomena: Electrostatics in Solvation, Scattering, and Ele... [9781107021051]
海外直订Computational Methods for Electromagnetic Phenomena: Electrostatics in Solvation 电磁现象的计算方法:溶剂化
【4周达】Advances in Metal and Semiconductor Clusters: Metal Ion Solvation and Metal-Ligand Interacti... [9780444507266]
【4周达】Clusters of Atoms and Molecules II : Solvation and Chemistry of Free Clusters, and Embedded,... [9783642849879]
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海外直订Solvent Mixtures: Properties and Selective Solvation 溶剂混合物:性质和选择性溶剂化
【4周达】Ions In Solution And Their Solvation [Wiley化学化工] [9781118889145]
海外直订Single-Ion Solvation: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Elusive Thermod
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【4周达】Molecular Theory of Solvation [9789048164004]
【4周达】Molecular Theory of Solvation [9781402015625]
【4周达】The Kirkwood-Buff Theory of Solutions: With Selected Applications to Solvation and Proteins [9780443219153]
【4周达】Peptide Solvation and H-Bonds: Volume 72 [9780120342723]
【4周达】Preferential Solvation and Hydration of Proteins in Water-Organic Mixtures: Two Sides of One... [9781536160208]
【4周达】Solvation Dynamics : A Notion of Charge Injection [9789811384400]
海外直订Solvation Methods - Theoretical Perspectives 溶剂化方法-理论观点
现货 Continuum Solvation Models in Chemical Physics【中商原版】
海外直订Clusters of Atoms and Molecules II: Solvation and Chemistry of Free Clusters, an 原子和分子团簇II:自由团簇
海外直订Solvation Thermodynamics 溶剂化热力学
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【4周达】Solvation Thermodynamics [9781475765526]
现货 Ions in Solution and Their Solvation【中商原版】