英文原版 HBR Guides to Emotional Intelligence at Work Collection 哈佛商业评论 工作中的情商 5册套装 英文版 进口英语书籍
预订 Emotional Intelligence: The 21-Day Mental Makeover to Master Your Emotions, Improve Your Social ... [9781951030155]
海外直订Leading with Heart: Applying Emotional Intelligence In Leadership of Business & 用心领导:在商业和社会生活
预订 Emotional Intelligence [9781950580545]
现货 哈佛商业评论情商系列 真实的领导力 Authentic Leadership HBR Emotional Intelligence Series 英文原版【中商原版】
现货 英文原版 HBR's 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence 全英文版
目的 意义和激情 哈佛商业评论情商指南系列 英文原版 Purpose Meaning and Passion HBR Emotional Intelligence Series 英语书籍
英文原版 培养孩子的情商:5个步骤帮助孩子应对重大情绪并建立适应力指南 Nurture Your Child's Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Habits Travis Bradberrymiddot
英文原版 Working with Emotional Intelligence 情商系列 影响你一生的工作情商 丹尼尔·戈尔曼 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace 职场情商 如何运用情商建立牢固人际关系 职业发展指南 Mark Craemer 英文版
预订 Emotional Intelligence: 3 Manuscripts - Emotional Intelligence Definitive Guide, Emotional Intelligence Mastery, Em
预订 Emotional Intelligence: This Book Includes: Master Your Emotions + Mental Models. The Definitive Guide to S* Over
英文原版 Emotional Intelligence Habits 情商习惯 自我提升 Travis Bradberry特拉维斯·布拉德伯利 精装 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Mastering Meaningful Connections and Success: Mastering Meaningful Connections and Success
英文原版 Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Leader 现代领导者情商指南 培养有效领导和组织能力 Christopher D. Connors
预订 Emotional Intelligence For Leaders: A Science-Based Guide To Inspire And Drive Your Team: 9798558758887
预订 Emotional Intelligence for Parents: A Study Guide and Prep for Coaching: 9781537470252
预订 Emotional Intelligence and Networking Competencies: Implications for Effective Leadership 情绪智力与网络能力:对有
预订 The Neuroscience of Emotional Intelligence and Its Applications to Education and Organizations 情绪智力的神经科学及
[预订]Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Improving Your EQ through better Interpersonal Connecti 9781922301260
预订 Emotional Intelligence in Dentistry: “Open Wide” - The Five Critical Skills to Take Dentists from Good to Great
预订 Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Effective Change Implementation in Today’s Complex Context 以情商*:在当今
预订 Emotional Intelligence: A Recipe for Personal and Professional Success: 9798326208620
[预订]Emotional Intelligence Mastery: 5 Books in 1: The Art of Reading People, Emotional Intelligence, Acc 9781087867601
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Master Your Emotions and Boost Your EQ - Increase Social Skills and Analyze People Better +
预订 Raising Little People: Teaching Your Child Emotional Intelligence and Effective Communication: 9798614797362
预订 Emotional Intelligence on Career Self-Efficacy, Career Success: 9786207996209
预订 Leveraging AI and Emotional Intelligence in Contemporary Business Organizations 在当代企业组织中利用人工智能和情商:
预订 Emotional Intelligence 2.0: Master Your Emotions and Boost Your EQ - Increase Social Skills and Analyze People Bett
预订 Girl Decoded: A Scientist’s Quest to Reclaim Our Humanity by Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Technology 女孩被
预订 AI and Emotional Intelligence for Modern Business Management 人工智能与现代企业管理中的情感智能: 9798369304181
[预订]Emotional Intelligence and English Reading Comprehension Ability: A Case Study from Iran 9783954894260
[预订]Personality Characteristics, Attitude and Emotional Intelligence Among Secondary Level Teachers 9783960671831
预订 The Impact of the Current 4Cs Skills Gap in Organizations: Using Emotional Intelligence to Develop Competencies 当
预订 Emotional Intelligence for IT Professionals IT专业人士的情商: 9781787285798
The Emotional Intelligence Skills Workbook: Improve Communication and Build Stronger Relationships [9781648482311]
预订 Emotional Intelligence in a Nutshell: for Parents and Teachers: 9780992196110
[预订]Emotional intelligence: Does it really matter?: A guide to coping with stressful experiences 9781622739011
预订 Building Mental Resilience in Children: Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, and Play: 9798369383131
英文原版 Dealing with Difficult People HBR Emotional Intelligence Series 与难相处的人相处 HBR情商系列 英文版 进口英语书
预订 From Emotionally Buttoned Up to Living With Ease: Case Studies For Emotional Intelligence Driven Sales: 97817942607
[预订]Emotional Intelligence for Students, Parents, Teachers and School Leaders
预订 Emotional and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success: 9783659386909
【预订】Emotional Intelligence for Students, Parents, Teachers and School Leaders: A Handbook 9789811903236
预订 Teaching Empathy: Strategies for Building Emotional Intelligence in Today’s Students: 9781618219053
预订 Emotional Intelligence Mastery: The 2. 0 Guide to Improve EQ in 30 Days and Analyze People, Lear... [9781647450113]
预订 Emotional Intelligence Mastery: The 2. 0 Practical Guide to Boost Your EQ, Atomic Effective Tech... [9781647450106]
[预订]Working with Millennials: Using Emotional Intelligence and Strategic Compassion to Motivate the Next 9781440844126
【预订】The Impact of the Digital Consumer’s Emotional Intelligence in Relation to the Moral Values Promoted in E-...
预订 Emotional Intelligence: A comprehensive self help guide to developing EQ, managing anger, and im... [9781761032424]
预订 Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience and Emotional Systems: 10th International Work-Conference on the Interplay
预订 Building Mental Resilience in Children: Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, and Play: 9798369383124
英文原版 Inclusion HBR Emotional Intelligence Series 包含多态 哈佛商业评论情商系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Daily Habits and the Most Powerful Tips for Self Love and Leadership (Im... [9781989965320]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Techniques to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence and Improve Your Soci... [9781989965207]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: How to Improve Your Leadership and Master Your Emotions (Improve Your So... [9781989965245]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Powerful Techniques to Improve Social Skills and Increase Eq (Manage Emo... [9781989965221]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Practical Self Development Guide for Success in Business and Your Person... [9781989965306]
预订 Emotional intelligence for the integral formation of children: 9781387947232
HBR Emotional Intelligence Boxed Set 6 Books 6 英文原版
预订 Emotional Intelligence Mastery 2-in-1: The Spiritual Guide for how to analyze people & yourself.... [9781989779644]
预订 Emotional Intelligence Mastery: 7 Manuscripts: Emotional Intelligence x2, Cognitive Behavioral T... [9781951030414]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide To Improve Your Social Skills, Relationships And Boost... [9781989787724]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: The Art of Reading People, Manipulation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy... [9781989965276]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: Increase Self Awareness in Children and Kids, Overcome Social Anxiety an... [9781989787700]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: A Step by Step Guide to Developing-self-awareness and Improving Your Peo... [9781989965283]
预订 Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Growing Up Your Ability to Leading Others (Defend Yourself Fr... [9781989965184]
预订 Emotional Intelligence For Leadership: Overcoming Depression, Social Anxiety And Stop Overthinki... [9781989787731]
[预订]Leveraging Emotional and Artificial Intelligence for Organisational Performance 9789819918645
英文原版 Power and Impact HBR Emotional Intelligence Series 权力与影响 哈佛商业评论情绪智力系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Emotional Intelligence Mastery: The 30 Day Step by Step Practical Guide to Improving your EQ, Bu... [9781989638323]
预订 The Power of Emotional Intelligence: A Primary School Toolkit 情商的力量:小学工具包: 9781032690759
英文原版 Building Emotional Intelligence 培养情商 培养儿童内在力量技能 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Emotional Intelligence for Leadership: 4 Week Booster Plan to Increase Your Self-Awareness, Asse... [9781951999407]
预订 Emotional Intelligence and Neuro-Linguistic Programming: New Insights for Managers and Engineers [9781138049741]
[预订]Ethics Education of Business Leaders: Emotional Intelligence, Virtues, and Contemplative Learning (H 9781623963477
预订 Emotional Intelligence: 3 Manuscripts - Emotional Intelligence Definitive Guide, Emotional Intel... [9781951030377]
预订 Emotional Intelligence 101: Boost Your EQ For More Emotional Agility, Spirituality, Better Relat... [9781913404000]
预订 Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Lecturer Performance: 9783659390296
预订 Emotional Intelligence at Work: 18-Year Journey of a Researcher: 9780367350383
英文原版 HBR Emotional Intelligence Boxed Set 6 Books 哈佛商业评论 情商培养 6册套装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍