【预售】Abstracts and Abstracting: A Genre and Skills for
[预订]Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting 9781598849769
【预售】Automatic Indexing and Abstracting of Document Texts
【预售】Automatic Indexing and Abstracting of Document
【预售】Explorations in Indexing and Abstracting: Pointing
【预订】Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World
海外直订Explorations in Indexing and Abstracting: Pointing, Virtue, and Power 索引和文摘的探索:指向,美德和权力
海外直订Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting 索引和文摘导论,第4版
海外直订Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World: Methodologies and Appli 在一个数据丰富的世界中抽象
海外直订Automatic Indexing and Abstracting of Document Texts 文档文本的自动索引和摘要
【4周达】Culture and Money in the Nineteenth Century: Abstracting Economics [9780821421963]
【4周达】Philosophy and the Visual Arts : Seeing and Abstracting [9789401082136]
【4周达】Philosophy and the Visual Arts : Seeing and Abstracting [9789027724687]
【4周达】Library Indexing and Abstracting [9789350563946]
【4周达】Abstracting Reality: Art, Communication, and Cognition in the Digital Age [9780761816676]
【4周达】Abstracting Practices in Libraries [9789350563656]
【4周达】Cause and Prevention of Clogging of Wells Abstracting Groundwater from Unconsolidated Aquifers [9781780400242]
【4周达】Abstracting Reality: Art, Communication, and Cognition in the Digital Age [9780761816683]
海外直订Doing Things with Information: Beyond Indexing and Abstracting 利用信息做事:超越索引和抽象
【4周达】Real Estate Title Search Abstracting [9781933039640]
预订 An Assessment of Indexing and Abstracting Services [9783659616259]
【4周达】Culture and Money in the Nineteenth Century: Abstracting Economics [9780821426067]
【4周达】Thy Paintbrush to Abstracting Images [9780692839690]