【预订】Infinitival Complement Clauses in English
【预售】Infinitival Complements in German: 'Lassen'
【预订】Infinitival vs Gerundial Complementation with Afraid, Accustomed, and Prone
海外直订Elements of Control: Structure and Meaning in Infinitival Constructions 控制要素:无限结构中的结构与意义
【预售】Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival
海外直订Elements of Control: Structure and Meaning in Infinitival Constructions 控制要素:不定式结构的结构和意义
海外直订Verb‐governed Infinitival Complementation in the Recent History of English 动词在英语近代史上支配着不
海外直订Infinitival Complements in German: 'Lassen', 'Scheinen' and the Verbs of Percept 德语不定式补语:“L
海外直订Infinitival Complement Clauses in English: A Study of Syntax in Discourse 英语不定式补语从句:语篇句法研究
海外直订Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival Complements: Infinitival Complement 旧法语语法中的参数:无穷大补语
海外直订Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival Complements: Infinitival Complement 旧法语语法中的参数:无穷大
海外直订Infinitival complement constructions in Early New High German 新高中德语早期的无穷补语结构
【4周达】Verb‐governed infinitival complementation in the recent history of English [9783034342278]
预订 PRO-legomena: Distribution and Reference of Infinitival Subjects [9783110138368]
预订 Variability with Infinitival TO in Present Day American English [9783848441013]
【4周达】Infinitival vs Gerundial Complementation with Afraid, Accustomed, and Prone : Multivariate C... [9783030567576]
【4周达】Elements of Control : Structure and Meaning in Infinitival Constructions [9780792366201]
【4周达】Infinitival Complement Clauses in English: A Study of Syntax in Discourse - Infinitival Comp... [9780521114721]
【4周达】Infinitival Complements in German: 'Lassen', 'Scheinen' and the Verbs of Perception - Infini... [9780521103220]
【4周达】Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival Complements : Infinitival Complements [9780792304333]
【4周达】Elements of Control : Structure and Meaning in Infinitival Constructions [9781402002939]
【4周达】Parameters in Old French Syntax: Infinitival Complements : Infinitival Complements [9780792304326]
【4周达】Infinitival complement constructions in Early New High German [9783484102446]