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【预售】Giacomo Leopardi: Canti: Selected Poems
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预订 The Ethics of Giacomo Leopardi: A Philosophy for the Environmental Crisis: 9781350298637
预订 Antiparnaso : antologia eretica della poesia italiana da Leopardi al Novecento: 9788897206972
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[预订]L’exercice de la pensée : Machiavel, Leopardi, Foucault 9782859449094
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【预售】Leopardi's Nymphs: Grace, Melancholy, and the ...
【预售】Leopardi and Shelley
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预订 The Letters of Giacomo Leopardi 1817-1837: 9780901286970
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预售 按需印刷 Essays and dialogues of Giacomo Leopardi
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【预售 按需印刷】The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi
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【4周达】Leopardi: Selected Poems [9780691016443]
【4周达】The Poems of Leopardi: With Introduction and Notes and a Verse-Translation in the Metres of ... [9781107652125]
【4周达】Classicism and Romanticism in Italian Literature: Leopardi's Discourse on Romantic Poetry: L... [9781138664579]
【4周达】Leopardi and Shelley: Discovery, Translation and Reception [9781909662490]
预订 Mapping Leopardi : Poetic and Philosophical Intersections [9781527521834]
【4周达】Leopardi and the Theory of Poetry [9780813154794]
【4周达】A System That Excludes All Systems: Giacomo Leopardi's «Zibaldone Di Pensieri» [9783034319942]
【4周达】The Letters of Giacomo Leopardi 1817-1837 [9780901286970]
【4周达】Leopardi and Shelley: Discovery, Translation and Reception [9780367600761]
【4周达】Leopardi's Nymphs: Grace, Melancholy, and the Uncanny [9780367601010]
【4周达】Leopardi: Poems and Prose [9780313257698]
【4周达】Classicism and Romanticism in Italian Literature: Leopardi's Discourse on Romantic Poetry: L... [9781848932876]
【4周达】Translations from Leopardi [9781107433083]
【4周达】Canti: The Poems of Leopardi [9780141193878]
预订【德语】 Lebenskunst nach Leopardi:Anti-pessimistisc
按需印刷The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi[9783847230205]
按需印刷Prose Di Giacomo Leopardi (1889)[9781104368906]
现货 【中商原版】道德小品 英文原版 Alma Classics:Moral Fables / Giacomo Leopardi
莱奥帕尔迪 回忆 Canti Giacomo Leopardi 意英双语版【中商原版】