【4周达】Analysis on Fock Spaces and Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields: An Introduction to Mathem... [9789813207110]
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海外直订Selected Writings from the Journal of the British Columbia Association of Mathem 英属哥伦比亚数学教师协会期
海外直订Professional Development and Knowledge of Mathem... 数学教师的专业发展与知识
海外直订Fostering Children's Mathematical Power: An Investigative Approach to K-8 Mathem 培养儿童的数学能力:对中小
海外直订Spectral Theory and Analysis: Conference on Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathem 光谱理论与分析:算子理论、
海外直订Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathem 正交多项式的应用与计算:19
海外直订Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathem 正交多项式的应用和计算:在
海外直订Selected Writings from the Journal of the British Columbia Association of Mathem 选自不列颠哥伦比亚省数学教
海外直订The Mathematics of Marine Modelling: Water, Solute and Particle Dynamics in Estu The Mathem
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海外直订Gender Differences on College Admission Test Items: Exploring the Role of Mathem 大学入学考试项目的性别差异
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【4周达】Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences: A Comparative Approach with Mathem... [9780521841504]
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海外直订Cambridge Primary Ready to Go Lessons for Mathem... 剑桥小学准备去课程数学4第二版与Boost订阅
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海外直订Series and Products in the Development of Mathem... 数学发展中的级数和乘积:第1卷
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【4周达】Diophantine Analysis: Proceedings at the Number Theory Section of the 1985 Australian Mathem... [9780521339230]
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