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海外直订Roman education from Cicero to Quintilian 从西塞罗到昆蒂利亚的罗马教育
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海外直订Reading Roman Declamation: The Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian 阅读罗马宣言
【4周达】The Arts of Imitation in Latin Prose: Pliny's Epistles/Quintilian in Brief [9781108476577]
【4周达】Quintilian Institutio Oratoria: Book 2 [9780199262656]
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【4周达】The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian [9780198713784]
【4周达】Quintilian and the Law: The Art of Persuasion in Law and Politics [9789058673015]
【4周达】Reading Quintilian: Didactic Authority in the Institutio oratoria [9780198911500]
【4周达】Papers on Quintilian and Ancient Declamation [9780198836056]
【4周达】Reading Roman Declamation: The Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian [9783110352405]
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