【预订】Psychosocial Implications of Poverty: Diversities and Resistances
【预售】Rethinking Gendered Regulations and Resistances in Education
【预售 按需印刷】Interweaving processes of resistances and tenderness in the territory
预售 按需印刷Multiple Antimicrobial Resistances from Samples of Recreational Beach
海外直订The Calibration of a Kelvin Bridge for the Measurement of Low Resistances 用于低电阻测量的开尔文电桥的校准
预订 Global Management, Local Resistances: Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Case Studies 全球管理与局部阻力:理论探
海外直订Internal Resistances 内部电阻
[预订]Frontiers of Development in the *: Riches, Risks, and Resistances 9781498594738
【预订】Madness in Contemporary British Theatre: Resistances and Representat 9783030797843
海外直订Rethinking Gendered Regulations and Resistances ... 重新思考教育中的性别规制与阻力
海外直订An Experimental Study of the Resistances to the Flow of Water in Pipes 管道中水流阻力的实验研究
【4周达】Rethinking Gendered Regulations and Resistances in Education [9781138377264]
【4周达】Frontiers of Development in the Amazon : Riches, Risks, and Resistances [9781498594738]
【4周达】Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970 [9781137465832]
【4周达】Frontiers of Development in the Amazon : Riches, Risks, and Resistances [9781498594714]
【4周达】Resistances of Psychoanalysis [9780804730198]
【4周达】Global Management, Local Resistances: Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Case Studies [9781138700765]
【4周达】Rethinking Gendered Regulations and Resistances in Education [9780415693486]
【4周达】Resistances of Psychoanalysis [9780804730181]
【4周达】Global Management, Local Resistances : Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Case Studies [9780415732208]
【4周达】Cities: Unauthorized Resistances and Uncertain Sovereignty in the Urban World [9781594519802]
【4周达】Mothers, Mothering, and Sport: Experiences, Representations, Resistances [9781772581706]
【4周达】Digital Social Innovation : Spatial Imaginaries and Technological Resistances in Urban Gover... [9783030804503]
预订 Multiple Antimicrobial Resistances from Samples of Recreational Beach [9783659741173]
【4周达】Internal Resistances: The Poetry of Edward Dorn [9780520362833]
【4周达】Internal Resistances: The Poetry of Edward Dorn [9780520318120]
【4周达】Psychosocial Implications of Poverty : Diversities and Resistances [9783030242947]
【4周达】Madness in Contemporary British Theatre : Resistances and Representations [9783030797812]
【4周达】Psychosocial Implications of Poverty : Diversities and Resistances [9783030242916]
【4周达】Madness in Contemporary British Theatre : Resistances and Representations [9783030797843]
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按需印刷The Overcoming Of Distraction And Other Resistances (1916)[9781120911070]
预订Frontiers of Development in the Amazon:Riches, Risks, and Resistances