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【预售】Sufi Saints and State Power: The Pirs of Sind, 1843
预订 Sehrengiz, Urban Rituals and Deviant Sufi Mysticism in Ottoman Istanbul: 9781138548305
预订 Letters of a Sufi Scholar: The Correspondence of `Abd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731) 一个苏菲派学者的信札:Abd
【预售】Rumi The Persian, The Sufi
预订 Sufi Women, Embodiment, and the ‘Self’: Gender in Islamic Ritual 苏菲派妇女、化身与自我:伊斯兰仪式中的性别: 9780
预订 A Psychology of Early Sufi Samâ`: Listening and Altered States 早期苏菲·山姆心理学`:听力与改变的现状(丛书): 97
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[预订]Regional Sufi Centres in India 9781032508931
预售 按需印刷Sufi Interpretations of the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam and Fitzgerald
【预售 按需印刷】Letters From A Sufi Teacher (1867)
预售 按需印刷 Ishq Hai Sufi
海外直订The Singing Caravan: A Sufi Tale 歌唱的商队:一个苏菲派的故事
预售 按需印刷 Spatializing Popular Sufi Shrines in Punjab
海外直订Sufi Lovers, Safavid Silks and Early Modern Identity 苏菲爱好者,萨法维丝绸和早期现代身份
海外直订Sufi Piano 苏菲钢琴
海外直订Sufi Interpretations of the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam and Fitzgerald 苏菲对奥马尔·海耶姆和菲茨杰拉德四行诗
【预售】Laughing Buddha Weeping Sufi / Poems
预订 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: Edward Fitzgerald's classic translation of the Persian Sufi (Azilo... [9781907523199]
预订 One Palace, a Thousand Doorways: Songlines Through Bhakti, Sufi and Baul Oral Traditions [9789389231243]
【4周达】Sufi meets Sanathan [9798230564447]
【4周达】Code Name Madeleine : A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris [9780393867558]
【4周达】Code Name Madeleine: A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris [9780393635188]
【4周达】In Quest for God and Freedom: Sufi Naqshbandi Brotherhood of the North Caucasus [9781850653844]
【4周达】Sawanih: Inspirations from the World of Pure spirits.The Oldest Persian Sufi Treatise on Love [9780710300911]
【4周达】Sufi Wisdom Oracle: Divine Guidance Through the Hearts of the Great Sages [9781925538656]
【4周达】Sufi Lovers, Safavid Silks and Early Modern Identity [9789463721738]
【4周达】Doris Lessing and Sufi Equilibrium : The Evolving Form of the Novel [9780333559086]
【4周达】The Language of Love: ecstatic poems in the Sufi tradition [9780988913035]
【4周达】My Sufi Garden - a Spiritual Journey for Teenagers and Adults [9781543755091]
【4周达】My Sufi Garden - a Spiritual Journey for Teenagers and Adults [9781543755114]
【4周达】Hafiz of Shiraz: Thirty Poems, an Introduction to the Sufi Master [9781590510704]
【4周达】365 Days of a Sufi [9789355590756]
【4周达】English Translation of Candayan: The Pioneer Indo-Sufi Masnavi of Maulana Daud [9789394262782]
【4周达】Persian Sufi Poetry : An Introduction to the Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poems [9780700703128]
【4周达】Persian Sufi Poetry : An Introduction to the Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poems [9780700706747]
海外直订The Singing Caravan: A Sufi Tale 唱歌的大篷车:一个苏菲派的故事
预订Code Name Madeleine:A Sufi Spy in Nazi-Occupied Paris
按需印刷The Diary of a Modern-Day Sufi[9781456813079]
预订 音乐The Mysticism of Sound and Music:The Sufi Teac
按需印刷One Palace, a Thousand Doorways:Songlines Through Bhakti, Sufi and Baul Oral Traditions[9789389231243]
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