【预售】Gielgud, Olivier, Ashcroft, Dench: Great Shakespe
【预订】Re-imagining Shakespeare in Contemporary Japan: A Selection of Japanese Theatrical Adaptations of Shakespe...
英文原版 牛津莎士比亚文选:威尼斯商人(牛津世界经典) The Oxford Shakespe
英文原版 牛津莎士比亚文选:仲夏夜之梦(牛津世界经典) The Oxford Shakespe
【预售 按需印刷】A Letter On Shakespeare s Authorship Of The Two Noble Kinsmen And On The Characteristics Of Shakespe
海外直订The History of Sir John Oldcastle, the Good Lord Cobham. By Mr. William Shakespe 约翰·奥德卡斯尔爵士的历史
海外直订A Short and Beautiful Life: The Books, Writers and Artists Who Made the Shakespe 短暂而美丽的一生:造就莎士
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海外直订Some Textual Notes On the Tragedie of Anthony and Cleopatra: With Other Shakespe 安东尼和克利奥帕特拉悲剧的
海外直订The Fairies. An Opera. Taken From A Midsummer Night's Dream, Written by Shakespe 的仙女。歌剧。选自莎士比亚
【4周达】Re-Editing Shakespeare for the Modern Reader: Based on Lectures Given at the Folger Shakespe... [9780198129349]
【4周达】The Starre, the Moone, the Sunne: What if everything you ever learned about William Shakespe... [9780645807714]
【4周达】The Subjectivity Effect in Western Literary Tradition: Essays toward the Release of Shakespe... [9780262561792]
【4周达】The Shakespearean International Yearbook : Volume 9: Special Section, South African Shakespe... [9780754669166]
【4周达】You Kiss by Th' Book: New Poems from Shakespeare's Line (Gary Soto Poems, Poems for Shakespe... [9781452148298]
海外直订The History of Sir John Oldcastle, the Good Lord Cobham. by Mr. William Shakespe 约翰·奥德卡斯尔爵士的历史
海外直订The Fairies. an Opera. Taken from a Midsummer Night's Dream, Written by Shakespe 的仙女。歌剧。选自莎士比亚
英文原版 牛津莎士比亚文选:仲夏夜之梦(牛津世界经典) The Oxford Shakespe Oxford World's Classics