预订 Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices 表征:文化代表与符号化实践: 9781529770384
【预售】The Signifying Eye: Seeing Faulkner's Art
【预售】Signifying and Understanding: Reading the Works of
【预订】Signifying God 9780226041339
【预订】The Signifying Power of Pearl
【预售】Signifying Art: Essays on Art After 1960
【预订】Brain,Mind and the Signifying Body
【预售】The Signifying Self: Cervantine Drama as Count...
预订 The Bengal Famine and Cultural Production: Signifying Colonial Trauma 孟加拉饥荒与文化生产:象征殖民创伤: 978103237
【预售】Signifying Loss: Toward a Poetics of Narrative
【预订】Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body
【预售】Signifying Female Adolescence: Film Representations
【预售】The Signifying Monkey
【预订】Signifying God 9780226041346
【预售 按需印刷】Signifying Loss
【预售 按需印刷】Brain Mind and the Signifying Body
海外直订Signifying Female Adolescence: Film Representations and Fans, 1920-1950 象征女性青春期:电影表征与影迷,1920-195
海外直订Signifying Art: Essays on Art After 1960 象征艺术:1960年后的艺术论文集
海外直订Signifying Europe 标志着欧洲
预订 Signifying Place: The Semiotic Realisation of Place in Irish Product Marketing 有象征意义的地方爱尔兰产品营销中的地
【4周达】Signifying Female Adolescence: Film Representations and Fans, 1920-1950 [9780275968953]
【4周达】The Signifying Eye: Seeing Faulkner's Art [9780820343167]
预订 Brain, Mind, and the Signifying Body: An Ecosocial Semiotic Theory [9780826492531]
【4周达】Signifying Without Specifying: Racial Discourse in the Age of Obama [9780813551449]
【4周达】Signifying Loss : Toward a Poetics of Narrative Mourning [9781611480344]
【4周达】The Signifying Self: Cervantine Drama as Counter-Perspective Aesthetic [9781781880036]
【4周达】The Signifying Self: Cervantine Drama as Counter-Perspective Aesthetic [9781781880029]
【4周达】Signifying and Understanding: Reading the Works of Victoria Welby and the Signific Movement [9783110218503]
【4周达】Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body: An Ecosocial Semiotic Theory [9780826469656]
【4周达】Void Creation: Theater and the Faith of Signifying Nothing (With Continual Reference to T... [9781940813066]
【4周达】Signifying Bodies: Disability in Contemporary Life Writing [9780472050697]
【4周达】Signifying Woman: Culture and Chaos in Rousseau, Burke, and Mill [9780801429583]
【4周达】Signifying Woman: Culture and Chaos in Rousseau, Burke, and Mill [9780801481772]
【4周达】Signifying Europe [9781841504803]
【4周达】Signifying Europe [9781841505213]
【4周达】The Signifying Self: A Psycho-Social Semiotic Analysis of People Watching [9789004712799]
【4周达】Signifying Art: Essays on Art after 1960 - Signifying Art: Essays on Art after 1960 [9780521633932]
【4周达】Signifying Art: Essays on Art after 1960 - Signifying Art: Essays on Art after 1960 [9780521633017]
【4周达】Signifying Rappers [9780241968314]
【4周达】Signifying Place and Space: World perspectives of rock art and landscape [9781841710983]
预订 Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in the York Corpus Christi Plays [9780226041339]
【4周达】Signifying Without Specifying: Racial Discourse in the Age of Obama [9780813551432]
预订 Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic ACT in the York Corpus Christi Plays [9780226041346]
【4周达】Signifying Nothing : The Semiotics of Zero [9780333455517]
【4周达】Signifying Loss : Toward a Poetics of Narrative Mourning [9781611485783]
【4周达】Différance in Signifying Robinson Crusoe : Defoe, Tournier, Coetzee and Deconstructive Re-v... [9783034313933]
【4周达】Understanding Communication: The Signifying Web [9781138941557]
【4周达】Signifying Place: The Semiotic Realisation of Place in Irish Product Marketing [9781138620551]
【4周达】Understanding Communication: The Signifying Web [9781138959446]
【4周达】The Bengal Famine and Cultural Production: Signifying Colonial Trauma [9781032370200]
【4周达】Signifying Animals: Human Meaning in the Natural World [9780415095556]
【4周达】Signifying Place: The Semiotic Realisation of Place in Irish Product Marketing [9780815397052]
【4周达】The Bengal Famine and Cultural Production: Signifying Colonial Trauma [9781032370194]
海外直订Signifying Rappers 象征说唱歌手
预订Signifying Rappers
预订【德语】 Signifying Rappers:
按需印刷Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body:An Ecosocial Semiotic Theory[9780826492531]
按需印刷Signifying Loss[9781611480344]
按需印刷Brain, Mind and the Signifying Body:An Ecosocial Semiotic Theory[9780826469656]