【预售】Whaling Will Never Do for Me: The American Whaleman
英文原版 Leviathan The History of Whaling in America 利维坦 美国捕鲸史 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Old Whaling Days
[预订]Incidents of a Whaling Voyage 9781014867414
[预订]The Natural History of the Sperm Whale. to Which Is Added, a Sketch of a South-Sea Whaling Voyage 9781015461130
【预售】A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of
[预订]Whaling and Old Salem; a Chronicle of the Sea, With an Account of the Seal Fisheries, Excerpts From 9781014392374
预订 Cultural Landscape Report for New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park: Volume 1: History, Existing Conditions, A
【预订】The Last Voyage of the Whaling Bark Progress
[预订]The Natural History of the Sperm Whale. to Which Is Added, a Sketch of a South-Sea Whaling Voyage 9781015455733
【预售】Whaling and International Law
[预订]Etchings of a Whaling Cruise [microform]: With Notes of a Sojourn on the Island of Zanzibar, to Whic 9781013370403
预订 Red Leviathan: The Secret History of Soviet Whaling 红色巨兽:苏联捕鲸的秘密历史: 9780226628851
[预订]Whaling and Old Salem; a Chronicle of the Sea, With an Account of the Seal Fisheries, Excerpts From 9781015290884
[预订]The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger / Volume I / The Voyages of 1811, 1812 a 9781032319346
【预售 按需印刷】Inuit Whaling and Sustainability
预售 按需印刷 Whaling And Fishing (1855)
【预售 按需印刷】There She Blows! A Whaling Yarn (1909)
预订 The Whaling Issue In U.s.-japan Relations 美日关系中的捕鲸问题: 9780367274146
【预售】Japanese Whaling?: End of an Era
海外直订Toward a Sustainable Whaling Regime 建立可持续捕鲸制度
海外直订The Last Voyage of the Whaling Bark Progress: New Bedford, Chicago and the Twili 捕鲸船的最后一次航行:新贝
【预售】Hishok - Tseshaht Whaling; One with ...
[预订]The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger/ Volume II / The Voyages of 1814, 1815 and 1816
[预订]The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger (1789-1857): Volume III: The Voyages of 1817, 1818 a
【预售】The World of Ice: Or the Whaling Cruise of "The
【预售】The Enderby Settlement: Britain's Whaling Vent...
海外直订Whalers and Whaling 捕鲸和捕鲸
预订 Subsistence Whaling: Past History and Contemporary Issues 为生存而捕鲸:过去的历史与当代问题: 9789819632794
海外直订The Development of Whaling Implements 捕鲸工具的发展
海外直订Polar Whaling: A Sea Letter Narrative of a Cruise in the Okhotsk Sea in 1849 极地捕鲸:1849年在鄂霍次克海巡
海外直订Rendered Obsolete: Energy Culture and the Afterlife of US Whaling 被淘汰:能源文化和美国捕鲸业的来世
海外直订Japanese Whaling?: End of an Era 日本捕鲸?:一个时代的结束
海外直订The Golden Harpoon; Or, Lost Among the Floes, A Story of the Whaling Grounds: in 金鱼叉;或者,《迷失在弗洛
【预售】Etchings of a Whaling Cruise
海外直订New London Whaling Captains: The Marine Historical Association, No. 12, November 新伦敦捕鲸船船长:海洋历史
预订 Monstrous Fishes and the Mead-Dark Sea: Whaling in the Medieval North Atlantic 中世纪北大西洋的捕鲸活动: 9789004163
海外直订A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia: and an account of the 到巴芬湾和布提亚湾的捕鲸游
海外直订The Gam, Being a Group of Whaling Stories The Gam, Being a Group of Whaling Stories
海外直订A Whaling Voyage in the Bark Willis, 1849-1850 威利斯树皮的捕鲸航行(1849-1850
预订 Whaling in the Antarctic: The Significance and the Implications of the ICJ Judgment 南极捕鲸: 国际法庭审判审判南极
海外直订Logbooks and Leviathans: An Account of the Nicholson Whaling Collection 航海日志与利维坦:尼科尔森捕鲸系列记述
海外直订The Nantucket Whaling Museum 南塔基特捕鲸博物馆
【预售】Inuit, Whaling, and Sustainability
预订 The Arctic Whaling Journals of William Scoresby the Younger / Volume I / The Voyages of 1811, 1812 and 1813 小威廉
预订 Japanese Whaling and the People Behind It: A Look from Within 日本捕鲸及其背后的人:不为人知的故事: 9781032185354
预订 The Whaling Issue in U.S.-Japan Relations: 9780367273767
预订 Japan’s Withdrawal from International Whaling Regulation: 9781032168876
海外直订Whaling and Old Salem: A Chronicle of the Sea 捕鲸和老塞勒姆:海洋纪事
海外直订Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe. Comprising sketches of Polynesia, 环球捕鲸航行的叙述。包括波
海外直订A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay 巴芬湾捕鲸之旅
海外直订Leo's Whaling Voyage 里奥的捕鲸之旅
海外直订Whaling Boy 捕鲸男孩
海外直订Whaling 捕鲸
海外直订The Golden Harpoon; Or, Lost Among the Floes, A Story of the Whaling Grounds: in The Golden
海外直订The Long Harpoon: A Collection of Whaling Anecdotes with Pen and Ink Sketches by 《长鱼叉:作家笔墨写生捕鲸
【预售】Pacific Northwest's Whaling Coast
海外直订Whalers and Whaling 捕鲸者和捕鲸
海外直订Japanese Whaling?: End of an Era 日本捕鲸?:时代的终结
海外直订Cultural Landscape Report for New Bedford Whaling National Historic Park: Volume 新贝德福德捕鲸国家历史公园
海外直订The Gam: Whaling Stories Gam:捕鲸故事
海外直订The Old Whaling Days: A History of Southern New Zealand from 1830 to 1840 旧捕鲸时代:1830年至1840年新西兰
海外直订Special Exhibition of Whaling Pictures From the Collection of Allan Forbes, esq. 艾伦·福布斯先生收藏的捕鲸
【4周达】Rites and Passages: The Experience of American Whaling, 1830 1870 [9780521484480]
【4周达】Oil and Ice: A Story of Arctic Disaster and the Rise and Fall of America's Last Whaling Dyna... [9780143118367]
【4周达】Levianthan: The History of Whaling in America [9780393331578]
【4周达】Herman Melville's Whaling Years [9780826513823]
预订 A History of Whaling in Brazil [9780955292422]
【4周达】Whaling in the Falkland Islands and Dependencies, 1904-1931 [9780955292408]
【4周达】Whaling and International Law [9781108735230]
【4周达】Whaling and International Law [9781107021099]
预订 ICJ Case Wir sagen Kein Whaling: Hindu Perspektiv [9786202219310]
【4周达】Whaling Season: A Year in the Life of an Arctic Whale Scientist [9780544582415]
【4周达】True Stories of Old Sag Harbor: Whaling Adventures, Indians and Colonists, Wars, Shipwrecks,... [9781932916270]
预订 America's First Whaling Industry and the Whaler Yeomen of Cape May [9783844314229]
预订 Whaling People of the West Coast of Vancouver Island and Cape Flattery: of Vancouver Island and ... [9780772664914]
【4周达】Out of Nantucket: Two Accounts of Whalers and Whaling [9780857060792]
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【4周达】Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia, and an Account of the Rescue of the ... [9781108072007]
【4周达】Ozette: Excavating a Makah Whaling Village [9780295994628]
【4周达】Whaling and Fishing [9781528710633]
【4周达】The Henty Journals: A Record of Farming, Whaling and Shipping in Portland Bay 1834-1839 [9780522846669]
【4周达】Life with the Esquimaux: The Narrative of Captain Charles Francis Hall of the Whaling Barque... [9781108041393]
【4周达】Whaling Captains of Color: America's First Meritocracy [9781682475096]
【4周达】In Those Days: Tales of Arctic Whaling: Collected Writings on Arctic History [9781772271799]
【4周达】Yankees in the Indian Ocean: American Commerce and Whaling, 1786-1860 [9780821425084]
【4周达】Out of Nantucket: Two Accounts of Whalers and Whaling [9780857060808]
【4周达】Life with the Esquimaux: The Narrative of Captain Charles Francis Hall of the Whaling Barque... [9781108041386]
【4周达】Japan's Withdrawal from International Whaling Regulation: Implications for Global Environmen... [9781032168876]
【4周达】Whaling in Japan: Power, Politics and Diplomacy [9780199326976]