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【预订】Semantic Mashups: Intelligent Reuse ...
【预订】Mashups: Concepts, Models and Archit...
【预订】Semantic Mashups
【预售】Data Mashups in R
预售 按需印刷M?glichkeiten und Grenzen von Google Maps Mashups am Beispiel eines Basketball-Freiplatzverzeichniss德语ger
【预售】Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services
【预订】Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets
【预售】How to Make Great Music Mashups
预订 How to Make Great Music Mashups: The Start-to-Finish Guide to Making Music Mashups with Ableton Live 如何制作伟大的
【预订】Gothic Remixed:Monster Mashups and Frankenfictions in 21st-Century Culture
海外直订Semantic Mashups: Intelligent Reuse of Web Resources 语义混搭:Web资源的智能重用
海外直订Mashups 混搭
【4周达】How to Make Great Music Mashups: The Start-To-Finish Guide to Making Mashups with Ableton Live [9781138092761]
【4周达】Enterprise Social for the Java Platform: Shares, Mashups, Likes, and Ways to Integrate Socia... [9781484295700]
【4周达】Mashups: Concepts, Models and Architectures [9783642550485]
海外直订How to Make Great Music Mashups: The Start-To-Finish Guide to Making Mashups wit 如何制作伟大的音乐混搭:开
【4周达】Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR [9781590599365]
【4周达】Gothic Remixed: Monster Mashups and Frankenfictions in 21st-Century Culture [9781350103054]
【4周达】Eat My Shorts: CHRiS 51's Simpsonized celebrity art, satire mashups, paintings and officiall... [9781513648491]
【4周达】How to Do Everything with Web 2.0 Mashups [9780071496278]
【4周达】Mashups : Neue Praktiken und Ästhetiken in populären Medienkulturen [9783658057527]
【4周达】Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services [9781590598580]
预订 Developing GeoSpatial Mashups for Healthcare Geovisualization [9783845475615]
【4周达】Gothic Remixed: Monster Mashups and Frankenfictions in 21st-Century Culture [9781350234468]
【4周达】PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects: Practical PHP Mashups with Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube... [9781847190888]
【4周达】How to Make Great Music Mashups : The Start-to-Finish Guide to Making Mashups with Ableton Live [9781138092785]
海外直订Semantic Mashups: Intelligent Reuse of Web Resources 语义mashup:Web资源的智能重用
海外直订Beginning Google Maps Mashups with Mapplets, KML, and GeoRSS: From Novice to Pro 用Mapplets、KML和G
海外直订Mashups: Concepts, Models and Architectures mashup:概念、模型和体系结构
【4周达】Mashups : Concepts, Models and Architectures [9783662509593]
【预售 按需印刷】Data Mashups with R
预售 按需印刷History Mashups for Teens
【4周达】Google Maps Mashups with Google Mapplets [9781430209959]
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【预售】Masters Mashups: From Shakespeare to...
预订 Zoochini: The spectacular zoo with animal and food mashups: 9781737255000
海外直订Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR 使用Adobe Flex和AIR创建mashup
海外直订Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services 专业Web 2.0混搭:重新组合数据和Web服务
【4周达】Beginning Google Maps Mashups with Mapplets, KML, and GeoRSS: From Novice to Professional [9781430216209]
海外直订How to Do Everything with Web 2.0 Mashups 如何使用Web 2.0 mashup完成所有事情
Plum Organics Mashups, Organic Kids Applesauce, Carrot &a
预订I Love Pugicorns And Other Amazing Mashups:A Colouring Book 涂色书
【4周达】Masters Mashups: From Shakespeare to Stephen King [9780988347144]
【4周达】Data Mashups in R: A Case Study in Real-World Data Analysis [9781449303532]
【4周达】Zoochini: The spectacular zoo with animal and food mashups [9781737255000]
【4周达】I Love Caticorns and other Magical Mashups Colouring Book [9781780556376]
【4周达】Cave of Courage: Escaping the Mashups [9781628063394]
海外直订Data Mashups in R: A Case Study in Real-World Data Analysis R中的数据mashup:现实世界数据分析中的一个案例研究
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