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海外直订The Wonder, a Woman Keeps a Secret! A Comedy. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal, 奇迹,一个女人保守秘密!一
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海外直订The Macaroni: A Comedy. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in York. The Sec 《通心粉:喜剧》这是在约克
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海外直订The Lord of the Manor, a Comic Opera, as it is Performed at the Theatre Royal Dr 《庄园主》是一部喜剧歌剧,
海外直订The Secret Tribunal: A Play. In Five Acts. By James Boaden, ... as Performed at 《秘密法庭:一出戏》在五幕
海外直订A Satirical Lecture on Hearts: As it has Been Performed, at Exeter Exchange in t 一场关于心的讽刺讲座:在斯
海外直订The Schemers: Or, the City-match. A Comedy. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Ro 阴谋家:或者,城市匹配。一
海外直订The Widow of Malabar, a Tragedy, in Three Acts. As it is Performed at the Theatr 《马拉巴尔寡妇:三幕悲剧》
海外直订The Discovery. A Comedy. As it is Performed at the Theatres-Royal in London and 这一发现。一个喜剧。因为它
海外直订A Miscellany of Lyric Poems, the Greatest Part Written for, and Performed in the 抒情诗杂集,最伟大的部分写
海外直订Wild Oats: Or, the Strolling Gentlemen. A Comedy, in Five Acts, as Performed at 野燕麦:或者,漫步的绅士。
海外直订Almida, a Tragedy, as it is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By a L 在德鲁里巷皇家剧院上演的悲
海外直订The Point of Honor. A Play, in Three Acts. Taken From the French, and Performed 荣誉点。一部三幕剧。取材于
海外直订The Wheel of Fortune: A Comedy. Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By R 幸运之轮:一部喜剧。在德鲁
海外直订The man of the World. A Comedy, in Five Acts. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal 世界之王。一部五幕喜剧。在
海外直订Il Puntiglio Amoroso, a new Comic Opera. As Performed at the King's Theatre in t 新的喜剧歌剧《阿莫罗索之旅
海外直订The School for Scandal. A Comedy. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury 丑闻学校。一个喜剧。在德鲁
海外直订The Widow of Malabar. A Tragedy, in Three Acts. As it is Performed at the Theatr 马拉巴尔的寡妇。《三幕悲剧
海外直订The new Peerage; or, our Eyes may Deceive us. A Comedy. As it is Performed at th 新贵族;或者,我们的眼睛会
海外直订The Prince of Tunis. A Tragedy. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh 突尼斯王子。一场悲剧。在爱丁堡
海外直订Cheap Living: A Comedy, in Five Acts. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal, D 《廉价生活:五幕喜剧》。在
海外直订The Belle's Stratagem; a new Comedy, as it has Been Performed With Universal App 《美女的计谋》;这是一部新
海外直订The Rivals, a Comedy, in Five Acts. As it is Performed at the Theatre Royal in D 五幕喜剧《对手》因为它是在
海外直订The Words of the Favourite Pieces, as Performed at the Glee Club, Held at the Cr 最受欢迎作品的歌词,由欢乐
海外直订The Macaroni. A Comedy. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal. In York 通心粉。一个喜剧。就像它在皇家剧院
海外直订The Distrest Mother. A Tragedy as Performed at the Theatres-royal in Drury-Lane 悲伤的母亲。在德鲁里巷和考
海外直订Sophonisba. A Tragedy. As Written by Mr. Thomson. And Performed at the Theatre-R Sophonisba
海外直订Quinto Fabio; a Serious Opera: As it is Performed at the King's Theatre in the H Quinto法;一部
海外直订Inkle and Yarico: An Opera; in Three Acts; as Performed at the Theatres-Royal in Inkle and
海外直订Il Pittor Parigino. = The Parisian Painter. A Comic Opera, as Performed at the K Il Pittor
海外直订Gli Schiavi per Amore. A new Comic Opera, in two Acts. As Performed at the King' 我爱你。一部新的喜剧歌剧,
海外直订Auld Robin Gray: A Pastoral Entertainment, in two Acts. As Performed at the Thea 老罗宾·格雷:田园娱乐,分两
海外直订What is she? A Comedy, in Five Acts, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent G 她是什么?一部五幕喜剧,在
海外直订The Tempest. An Opera. Taken From Shakespear. As it is Performed at the Theatre- 《暴风雨》。歌剧。出自莎士
海外直订The Guardian Out-witted. A Comic Opera. As it is Performed at the Theatre Royal 《卫报》机智过人。一部喜剧
海外直订The Platonic Wife, a Comedy, as it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-La 在德鲁里巷皇家剧院上演的喜
海外直订Speed the Plough: A Comedy, in Five Acts. As Performed With Universal Applause a 犁:一部五幕喜剧。托马
海外直订Le Pazzie D'Orlando, a new Comic Opera, as Performed at the King's-Theatre in th 奥兰多广场,一部新的喜剧歌
海外直订[Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays, as They are now Performed at the Theatre [贝尔版的莎士比亚剧作,目
海外直订Ines de Castro. A Musical Drama, in two Acts. Performed at the King's Theatre in 我是卡斯特罗。一部两幕的音
海外直订The Man's the Master; a Comedy, in Five Acts, as now Performed at the Theatre-Ro 人是主人;一部五幕喜剧,现
海外直订The Maid of Bath, a Comedy of Three Acts, as it is Performed at the Theatre-Roya 《巴斯女仆》,一部三幕喜剧
海外直订Almida, a Tragedy. As it is Performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury-Lane. By a 阿米达,一部悲剧。在德鲁里
海外直订La Villanella Rapita; a Comic Opera, in two Acts, as Performed at the Theatre-Ro La Villane