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【正版书】 美学珍玩 [法国]夏尔·波德莱尔 (Charles Pierre Baudelaire) 译林出版社
【预售】Concordance to Baudelaire's Les Fleurs Du Mal
【预售】Baudelaire: A Study of His Poetry
【预售】Baudelaire and Intertextuality: Poetry at the
【预售】New York-Paris: Whitman, Baudelaire, and the Hybrid
【预售】Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis
【预售】Baudelaire Judged by Spanish Critics, 1857-1957
【预售】Baudelaire: Collected Essays, 1953 1988
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【预售】The Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire
【预售】Baudelaire and Le Spleen de Paris
【预售】The Limits of Narrative: Essays on Baudelaire
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【预售】Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis: The Socio-Poetics of
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法语原版 笑的本质 波德莱尔 Charles Baudelaire 艺术评论 De l'essence du rire et autres textes
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【4周达】Baudelaire and the English Tradition [9780691639277]
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【4周达】Baudelaire and Intertextuality: Poetry at the Crossroads - Baudelaire and Intertextuality: P... [9780521365086]
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【4周达】Baudelaire: Collected Essays, 1953–1988 - Baudelaire: Collected Essays, 1953-1988 [9780521323352]
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【4周达】Formal Revolution in the Work of Baudelaire and Flaubert [9781611493948]
预订 Concordance to Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal [9780807878293]
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【4周达】Baudelaire: Selected Writings on Art and Artists [9780521282871]
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【4周达】Imagination and Language: Collected Essays on Constant, Baudelaire, Nerval and Flaubert [9780521269216]
【4周达】Baudelaire's Media Aesthetics: The Gaze of the Flâneur and 19th-Century Media [9781628924404]
【4周达】Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis: The Socio-Poetics of Modernism - Baudelaire and Schizoanalysi... [9780521419802]
【4周达】The Violence of Modernity: Baudelaire, Irony, and the Politics of Form [9780801883088]
【4周达】The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire [9780674022874]
【4周达】Baudelaire's Media Aesthetics: The Gaze of the Flâneur and 19th-Century Media [9781501326448]
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预订 Roidis’ tangible images and Baudelaire’s paintings of modern life [9786139582907]
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