【预售 按需印刷】Grammar of English Grammars (Volume II)
【4周达】Bilingualism in the Community: Code-switching and Grammars in Contact [9781108415828]
【4周达】Emergence of Hybrid Grammars: Language Contact and Change - The Emergence of Hybrid Grammars... [9780521150224]
【4周达】Categorial Grammars (RLE Linguistics B: Grammar) [9780415723602]
【4周达】Grammars With Context Conditions And Their Applications [Wiley电子电气工程] [9780471718314]
【4周达】Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, Grammars, and Alphabets: - A Catalogue of Dictionar... [9781108047180]
【4周达】Regulated Grammars and Automata [9781493943166]
【4周达】Parsing Beyond Context-Free Grammars [9783642264535]
【4周达】The Papuan Languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar: Volume 3: Sketch Grammars [9781501516689]
【4周达】Introduction to Formal Grammars [9783642871313]
【4周达】The Logic of Categorial Grammars: A Deductive Account of Natural Language Syntax and Semantics [9783642315541]
预订 Constructive Adpositional Grammars: Foundations of Constructive Linguistics [9781443830072]
【4周达】Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science: 5th International Workshop, Willia... [9783540612285]
【4周达】Evaluations of Process Modeling Grammars: Ontological, Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses... [9783642183591]
预售 按需印刷 Reference Grammars and Modern Linguistic Theory
【4周达】Dependency Structures and Lexicalized Grammars : An Algebraic Approach [9783642145674]
预订 Grammars of Space: Explorations in Cognitive Diversity - Grammars of Space: Explorations in Cogn... [9780521671781]
预售 按需印刷 Speculative Grammars of the Middle Ages
【预售 按需印刷】Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars
【4周达】Grammars of Space: Explorations in Cognitive Diversity - Grammars of Space: Explorations in ... [9780521855839]
【4周达】Unification Grammars [9781107014176]
【4周达】One Language, Two Grammars?: Differences between British and American English - One Language... [9780521872195]
【4周达】One Language, Two Grammars?: Differences between British and American English - One Language... [9780521183963]
预订 Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars: Volume 110 [9781575862613]
【4周达】Grammars in Contact: A Cross-Linguistic Typology [9780199207831]
【4周达】Grammars in Contact: A Cross-Linguistic Typology [9780199556465]
预订 Tree Adjoining Grammars, Volume 107: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis and Processing [9781575862521]
【4周达】Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures [9781556080302]
【4周达】Syntactic Theory And The Acquisition Of English Syntax - The Nature Of Early Child Grammars ... [9780631163589]
【4周达】Grammars, Grammarians and Grammar-Writing in Eighteenth-Century England [9783110196276]
【4周达】Grammars and Descriptions : (Study in Text Theory and Text Analysis) [9783110057416]
【4周达】Resolving Conflicts in Grammars: Optimality Theory in Syntax, Morphology and Phonology [9783875483147]
【4周达】Grammars of Colonialism : Representing Languages in Colonial South Africa [9781403933812]
【4周达】Learnable Classes of Categorial Grammars [9781575860961]
【4周达】The Grammar of English Grammars: Sentences, Articles, and Cases [9781805475972]
【4周达】Paraphrase Grammars [9789401033404]
预订 Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars: Volume 110 [9781575862606]
【4周达】Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars [9783110181937]
【4周达】The Inheritance and Innateness of Grammars [9780195115338]
【4周达】Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars [9780199252695]
【4周达】Italian Prose Usage: A Supplement to Italian Grammars [9781316509685]
预订 Grammatical Framework: Programming with Multilingual Grammars [9781575866260]
【4周达】Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures [9781556080319]
预订 Tree Adjoining Grammars, Volume 107: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis and Processing [9781575862514]
【4周达】Converging Grammars: Constructions in Singapore English [9781614515715]
【4周达】Variable Grammars: Verbal Agreement in Northern Dialects of English [9783484304963]
【4周达】Grammars and Dictionaries of the Slavic Languages from the Middle Ages up to 1850 : An Annot... [9783110097788]
【4周达】Formal approaches to complexity in heritage language grammars [9783985541072]
【4周达】Modern Grammars of Case [9780199297078]
【4周达】Efficient Processing with Constraint-Logic Grammars Using Grammar [9781575863061]
【4周达】The Inheritance and Innateness of Grammars [9780195115345]
【4周达】Between Two Grammars: Research and Practice for Language Learning and Teaching in a Creole-S... [9789766373528]
【4周达】Phonology in Multilingual Grammars: Representational Complexity and Linguistic Interfaces [9780190923341]
【4周达】On Ancient Grammars of Space: Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and... [9783110311174]
【4周达】Jumping Computation: Updating Automata and Grammars for Discontinuous Information Processing [9780367634797]
【4周达】Logic of Typed Feature Structures: With Applications to Unification Grammars, Logic Programs... [9780521022545]
【4周达】Logic Grammars [9781461281887]
【4周达】Marcus Contextual Grammars [9780792347835]
【4周达】Hyperedge Replacement: Grammars and Languages [9783540560050]
【4周达】Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science: 4th International Workshop, Bremen... [9783540544784]
预订 Random Context Picture Grammars [9783848493555]
【4周达】Regulated Grammars and Automata [9781493903689]
【4周达】Attribute Grammars : Definitions, Systems and Bibliography [9783540500568]
【4周达】Context-Free Grammars : Covers, Normal Forms, and Parsing [9783540102458]
【4周达】Pictorial and Formal Aspects of Shape and Shape Grammars [9783764308032]
【4周达】Grammars for Language and Genes : Theoretical and Empirical Investigations [9783642270802]
【4周达】Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science : 3rd International Workshop, Warre... [9783540187714]
【4周达】Shape Grammars and their Uses : Artificial Perception, Shape Generation and Computer Aesthetics [9783764307943]
【4周达】Developing Grammars : The Acquisition of German Syntax by Foreign Workers [9783642673870]
【4周达】Handbook Of Graph Grammars And Computing By Graph Transformation - Volume 3: Concurrency, Pa... [9789810240219]
【4周达】Array Grammars, Patterns and Recognizers [9789810200831]
【4周达】Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation - Volume 2: Applications, L... [9789810240202]
【4周达】Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation: Volume 1: Foundations [9789810228842]
【预售 按需印刷】Grammars of Identity/Alterity
【4周达】Grammatical Inference : Learning Automata and Grammars [9780521763165]
【4周达】Finite Automata, Their Algebras and Grammars : Towards a Theory of Formal Expressions [9781461388555]
【预售 按需印刷】Language material in grammars and dictionaries
预订 Cultural Grammars of Nation, Diaspora, and Indigeneity in Canada [9781554583362]
预订 Grammars of Approach: Landscape, Narrative, and the Linguistic Picturesque [9780226467665]
预订 Grammars of Approach: Landscape, Narrative, and the Linguistic Picturesque [9780226467832]
【4周达】The Grammar of English Grammars [9783375149796]
【4周达】Paraphrase Grammars [9789027701787]
【4周达】Parsing Beyond Context-Free Grammars [9783642148453]
【4周达】Prepositions in English Grammars Until 1801: With a Survey of the Western European Backgroun... [9788776745653]
【4周达】Efficiency and Complexity in Grammars [9780199252688]
【4周达】Bilingualism in the Community: Code-switching and Grammars in Contact [9781108402415]
【4周达】Word, Phrase, and Sentence in Relation: Ancient Grammars and Contexts [9783110687965]
【4周达】Parsing with Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars : A Recursive Descent into Parsing [9781484232279]
【4周达】Emergence of Hybrid Grammars: Language Contact and Change - The Emergence of Hybrid Grammars... [9780521769983]
预订 Reference Grammars and Modern Linguistic Theory [9783484302266]
预订 Type Systems with First Class Polymorphisms Using Attribute Grammars [9783847338727]
【4周达】Efficient Processing with Constraint-Logic Grammars Using Grammar [9781575863054]
预订 Speculative Grammars of the Middle Ages : The Doctrine of Partes Orationis of the Modistae [9789027919137]
【4周达】Categorial Grammars (RLE Linguistics B: Grammar) [9781138969957]
【4周达】Evaluation of Theories on Child Grammars [9789027926258]
【4周达】Missionary Grammars and the Language of Translation in Korea (1876-1910) [9781032679655]
【4周达】Attribute Grammars and their Applications : International Conference, Paris, France, Septemb... [9783540531012]
【4周达】Marcus Contextual Grammars [9789048149315]