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【4周达】Language is a Mighty Lord: A Gorgias Reader [9780615658803]
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【预售 按需印刷】Gorgias of Plato
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【4周达】Gorgias [9781605125060]
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预订 The Rhetoric of Morality and Philosophy: Plato's Gorgias and Phaedrus [9780226042411]
海外直订The Gorgias of Plato 柏拉图笔下的高尔吉亚
【预订】The Ancient Aesthetics of Deception: The Ethics of Enchantment from Gorgias to Heliodorus
预订 Gorgias, Sophist, and Artist
Gorgias 柏拉图 高尔吉亚篇 牛津古典研究读本
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现货 高尔吉亚 柏拉图 英语希腊语双语 英文原版 Gorgias Plato Terence Irwin【中商原版】
【4周达】Gorgias: A revised text, with Introduction and Commentary [9780198144953]
【4周达】The Ancient Aesthetics of Deception: The Ethics of Enchantment from Gorgias to Heliodorus [9781316518816]
海外直订Plato's Gorgias 柏拉图的Gorgias
海外直订Gorgias: in large print 戈尔吉亚:用大号字体
【4周达】The Unity of Plato's 'Gorgias': Rhetoric, Justice, and the Philosophic Life [9780521108324]
【4周达】Gorgias (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) [9781774765654]
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预订 Gorgias, Sophist, and Artist [9781570034244]
预订The Ancient Aesthetics of Deception:The Ethics of Enchantment from Gorgias to Heliodorus
【4周达】Gorgias's Thought: An Epistemological Reading [9781032234434]
【4周达】The Birth of Rhetoric : Gorgias, Plato and their Successors [9780415146432]
按需印刷Gorgias:A revised text, with Introduction and Commentary[9780198144953]
【4周达】Pocket Gorgias Syriac-English Dictionary [9781463207076]
按需印刷Pocket Gorgias Syriac-English Dictionary[9781463207076]
【预售 按需印刷】Pocket Gorgias Syriac-English Dictionary
按需印刷Plato on the Value of Philosophy:The Art of Argument in the Gorgias and Phaedrus[9781107181984]
预订 Plato on the Value of Philosophy: The Art of Argument in the Gorgias and Phaedrus [9781107181984]
【4周达】The Unity of Plato's 'Gorgias': Rhetoric, Justice, and the Philosophic Life [9780521858472]
预订 Plato’s Gorgias: A Critical Guide 柏拉图的高尔吉亚:批判性指南: 9781108492218
【4周达】Liberation and Authority : Plato's Gorgias, the First Book of the Republic, and Thucydides [9781793639042]
【4周达】Plato's Gorgias: A Critical Guide [9781108492218]
【4周达】Von Gorgias Bis Lukrez: Antike AEsthetik Und Poetik ALS Vergleichende Zeichentheorie [9783050032757]
按需印刷DEG Untersuchungen zu Gorgias Schrift über das Nichtseiende[9783110034325]