转基因番木瓜 [Transgenic Papaya] 番木瓜的生产史和世界分布 番木瓜的病毒病害 病毒病害种类分布和为害 基因漂移的环境影响
中国转基因植物生物安全评价案例选编=Study cases on biosafety assessment of transgenic plants in China官方正版 博库网
中国转基因植物生物安全评价案例选编=Study cases on biosafety assessment of transgenic plants in China
预订Transgenic Crops:New Research
海外直订Whole Earth Discipline: Why Dense Cities, Nuclear Power, Transgenic Crops, Resto 全地球学科:为什么密集的城
老鼠怎么了 基因改造与另类老鼠的行为显型 第2版 WhatS Wrong With My Mouse Behavioral Phenotyping Of Transgenic J Cr
【4周达】Our Transgenic Future: Spider Goats, Genetic Modification, and the Will to Change Nature [9781479814411]
【4周达】The Struggle for Maize: Campesinos, Workers, and Transgenic Corn in the Mexican Countryside [9780822349563]
【4周达】Transgenic Plants in Agriculture: Ten years experience of the French Biomecular Engineering ... [9782742002016]
海外直订Our Transgenic Future: Spider Goats, Genetic Modification, and the Will to Chang 我们的转基因未来:蜘蛛山羊
预订Our Transgenic Future:Spider Goats, Genetic Modification, and the Will to Change Nature
【4周达】Transgenic Animal Mutagenicity: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 233 [9789241572330]
海外直订Values and Objectivity in Science: The Current Controversy about Transgenic Crop 科学的价值和客观性:当前关于转
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海外直订医药图书Transgenic Models of Human Viral and Immunological Disease 人类病毒和免疫疾病的转基因模型
【4周达】Values and Objectivity in Science : The Current Controversy about Transgenic Crops [9780739111413]
【4周达】Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: I. Competition, Establishment and Ecosyste... [9783034896702]
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【预订】Transgenic Models of Human Viral and...
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【4周达】Transgenic Crops II [9783642631306]
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[预订]Association of plant growth promoting microorganism with transgenic Blackgram. PGPR association with 9783954893850
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【预售 按需印刷】How to produce a transgenic plant? Transgenic Poplar
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预订 Production of transgenic potato expressing antimicrobial thionin genes [9786139991075]
海外直订Association of plant growth promoting microorganism with transgenic Blackgram. P 植物生长促进微生物与转基因
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预售 按需印刷Development & Analysis of Transgenic Plants
【预售】Transgenic Plants
【4周达】Our Transgenic Future: Spider Goats, Genetic Modification, and the Will to Change Nature [9781479814398]
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【4周达】Transgenic Animal Technology: A Laboratory Handbook [9780124104907]
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海外直订医药图书Transgenic Xenopus: Microinjection Methods and Developmental Neurobiology 转基因爪蟾:显微注射方法
海外直订Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer 转基因植物风险评估方法:2。
海外直订Virus-Resistant Transgenic Plants: Potential Ecological Impact 抗病毒转基因植物:潜在的生态影响
海外直订Transgenic Organisms: Biological and Social Implications 转基因生物:生物学和社会意义
海外直订Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: IV. Biodiversity and Biotechno 转基因植物风险评估方法:生
预订 Sustainable Transgenic Cotton-Wheat System [9783847319443]
海外直订Values and Objectivity in Science: The Current Controversy about Transgenic Crop 科学价值与客观性:转基因作
海外直订Transgenic Maize: Methods and Protocols 转基因玉米:方法和协议
预订 Developing transgenic plants [9783846546253]
【4周达】Welfare Aspects of Transgenic Animals : Proceedings EC-Workshop of October 30, 1995 [9783540618393]
【4周达】The Struggle for Maize: Campesinos, Workers, and Transgenic Corn in the Mexican Countryside [9780822349389]
【4周达】Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops [9781402032486]
【4周达】Transgenic Xenopus : Microinjection Methods and Developmental Neurobiology [9781617370458]
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【4周达】Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: III. Ecological risks and prospects of tra... [9783034897358]
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【预售 按需印刷】Transgenic technology and powdery mildew management in CAPSICUM ANNUUM
【预售】Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops
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【预订】Transgenic Mice and Mutants in Mhc R...
【预订】Welfare Aspects of Transgenic Animals
【预订】Transgenic Wheat, Barley and Oats
【预订】Virus-Resistant Transgenic Plants: Potential Ecological Impact