海外直订Mathematical Analysis: Approximation and Discrete Processes 数学分析:近似和离散过程
【现货】 Kooorov型比较定理:函数逼近论:function approximation theory:上:Ⅰ 孙永生著 9787560378671 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
现货英文原版 The Design of Approximation Algorithms 近似算法的设计 研究生阶段算法课程教程 David P. Williamson
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【预售】On L1-Approximation
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【预售】The History of Approximation Theory: From Euler to
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【预售】Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation
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【预售】Ordered Cones and Approximation
【预售】Approximation and Online Algorithms: 6th
【预售】Spectral Theory of Approximation Methods for
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【预售】Approximation, Randomization and Combinatorial
【预售】The Gaussian Approximation Potential: An Interatomic
【预售】Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical
【预售】Interpolation & Approximation by Spline Function
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【预售】Approximation and Online Algorithms: 8th
【预售】Polynomial and Spline Approximation: Theory and
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【预售】Linear Operator Equations: Approximation and
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【预售】Selected Topics in Approximation and Computation
【预售】Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials
【预售】Stochastic Approximation Methods for Constrained and
The Design of Approximation Algorithms
【预售】Entropy, Compactness and the Approximation of
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【预售】Scattered Data Approximation
【预售】Degree of Approximation by Polynomials in the
【预售】Fixed Point Theory and Best Approximation: The
【预售】Classification and Approximation of Periodic
【预售】Approximation Theory: Moduli of Continuity and
【预售】Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint
【预售】Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms
【预售】Efficiency of Wireless Networks: Approximation
【预售】Rational Approximation and Its Applications in
【预售】Approximation Theory and Spline Functions
【预售】Functional Differential Equations and Approximation
【预售】Approximation Algorithms
【预售】Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial
【预售】Stochastic Approximation and Nonlinear Regression
【预售】Numerical Approximation Methods: 355/113
【预售】Optimierung Und Approximation
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