【预售】Joe Dimaggio: A Biography
【预售】Joe Dimaggio: The Hero's Life
【预售】Joe DiMaggio: The Long Vigil
【预售】Streak: Joe Dimaggio and the Summer of '41
【预售】Joe Dimaggio: Baseball's Yankee Clipper
【预售】Marilyn Monroe & Joe Dimaggio - Love in Japan, Ko
【预订】Hot Hands, Draft Hype, and Dimaggio’s Streak 9781512600636
海外直订Beyond Dimaggio: Italian Americans in Baseball 超越迪马吉奥:棒球界的意大利裔美国人
海外直订Beyond DiMaggio: Italian Americans in Baseball 超越迪马吉奥:棒球界的意大利裔美国人
海外直订Joe Dimaggio: The Hero's Life 乔·迪马乔:英雄的一生
海外直订Joe Dimaggio: A Biography 《乔·迪马乔传记
海外直订DiMaggio's Yankees: A History of the 1936-1944 Dynasty 狄马乔的《洋基:1936-1944年王朝的历史》
海外直订The '39 DiMaggio “39迪马吉奥
预订 Hot Hands, Draft Hype, and DiMaggio`s Streak - Debunking America`s Favorite Sports Myths: Debunk... [9781512600636]
海外直订The Thrilling Story of Joe Dimaggio 乔·狄马乔的惊心动魄的故事
【4周达】Joe DiMaggio: Baseball's Yankee Clipper [9780275927127]
【4周达】Joe Dimaggio: Baseball's Yankee Clipper [9780313239175]
【4周达】Joe Dimaggio: Young Sports Hero [9780689831867]
【4周达】Streak: Joe Dimaggio and the Summer of '41 [9780803292932]
【4周达】Marilyn Monroe & Joe DiMaggio - Love In Japan, Korea & Beyond [9780991429103]
【4周达】Joltin' Joe DiMaggio [9781416940807]
【4周达】Joe Dimaggio Moves Like Liquid Light: Poems [9781524852498]
【4周达】Joe Dimaggio [9781435890183]
【4周达】Tales of the Yankee Clipper: Stories and Reflections on Joe Dimaggio Volume 3 [9781493080168]
【4周达】Dinner with Dimaggio: Memories of an American Hero [9781501156854]
【4周达】Yankees 1936-39, Baseball's Greatest Dynasty: Lou Gehrig, Joe Dimaggio and the Birth of a Ne... [9781510720633]
预订 It Happens Every Spring: Dimaggio, Mays, the Splendid Splinter, and a Lifetime at the Ballpark [9781629373188]
【4周达】I Remember Joe Dimaggio : Personal Memories of the Yankee Clipper by the People Who Knew Him... [9781581821529]
预订 Joe DiMaggio: Baseball’s Yankee Clipper: 9780275927127