正版图书 Mathematica应用与数学实验章美月刘海媛金花芮文娟中国矿业大学出版社
【正版书】科学计算引论 基于Mathematica的数值分析 徐安农
国图书店正版 高级图像加密技术--基于Mathematica(高等学校信息安全类专业规划教材) 张勇 9787560657325 西安电子科技大学出版社
【预 售】Mathematica锦囊妙计中文繁体商业行销进口原版外版书Sal Mangano美商欧莱礼台湾分公司平装
【预售】Mathematica錦囊妙計 港台繁体中文进口书籍 善本图书
Mathematica应用与数学实验 中国矿业大学出版社 章美月 等 编 大学教材 正版现货
预订Reaction Kinetics: Exercises, Programs and Theorems:Mathematica for Deterministic and Stochastic Kinetics
Mathematica应用与数学实验:章美月 等 编 大中专理科科技综合 大中专 中国矿业大学出版社 正版图书
预订Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Maple and Mathematica
预订Molecular Physical Chemistry:A Computer-based Approach using Mathematica (R) and Gaussian
预订The Student's Introduction to Mathematica and the Wolfram Language
预订Exploring Calculus:Labs and Projects with Mathematica
微积分(普通高等学校应用型教材·数学)吕同富 微积分教材微积分学教程Maple、Mathematica、Geogebra实验 Excel 实验
预售 按需印刷 Principia Mathematica - Volume One
预售 按需印刷 Modelling Metabolism with Mathematica
按需印刷Classical Mechanics:A Computational Approach with Examples Using Mathematica and Python[9781138495289]
按需印刷Principia Mathematica - Volume One[9781603861823]
按需印刷Principia Mathematica - Volume Two[9781603861830]
按需印刷Principia Mathematica - Volume Three[9781603861847]
按需印刷Elements of Numerical Analysis with Mathematica?[9789813224155]
预订Graph and Network Theory:An Applied Approach using Mathematica (R)
预订【德语】 Animation mit Mathematica®, m. CD-ROM:
预订Schaum's Outline of Mathematica, Third Edition
预售 按需印刷 Numerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems Using Mathematica
高级图像加密技术——基于Mathematica:张勇 著 大中专理科电工电子 大中专 西安电子科技大学出版社 正版图书
预订Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica (R)
预订Mathematica for Bioinformatics
【预售】Mathematica Graphics: Techniques & Applications
【预售】Principia Mathematica to *56
【预售】Continuum Mechanics Using Mathematica
【预售】Mathematica Pour Classes Preparatoires Et DEUG
【预售】Animation Mit Mathematica(r)
【预售】Obras Sobre Mathematica Do Dr. F. Gomes Teixeira ...
【预售】Philosophi] Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin
【预售】Statistik Mit Mathematica: Methoden Und Ihre
【预售】Fantasia Mathematica
【预售】Scientific Computing with Mathematica for Ordinary
【预售】Principia Mathematica - Volume Three
【预售】Linear Algebra with Mathematica: An Introduction
【预售】Schaum's Outline of Mathematica
【预售】Multivariate Calculus and Mathematica: With
【预售】Maple and Mathematica: A Problem Solving Approach
【预售】Computational Geosciences with Mathematica [With
【预售】Classical Mechanics with Mathematica(r)
【预售】The Evolution of Principia Mathematica: Bertrand
【预售】Programmieren Mit Wolfram Mathematica(r)
【预售】Practical Optimization Methods: With Mathematica(
【新华文轩】MATLAB及Mathematica软件应用 李根强 主编 正版书籍 新华书店旗舰店文轩官网 人民邮电出版社
【预售】Scientific Computing with Mathematica(r): Math...
【预售】Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica...
MATLAB及Mathematica软件应用(21世纪高等教育计算机规划教材) 博库网
【预售】Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, ...
【预售】Praktische Numerik Mit Mathematica: ...
【预订】Essentials of Mathematica: With Appl...
【预订】Mathematica(r): A Problem-Centered A...
【预订】An Operator Semigroup in Mathematica...
【预订】Introduction to Mathematica(r) for P...
【预订】Essentials of Programming in Mathematica ®
【预订】Statistik Mit Mathematica(r): Method...
【预订】The Mathematica Guidebook for Programming
【预订】Erste Schritte Mit Mathematica: Vers...
【预订】Selecta Mathematica II
【预订】Selecta Mathematica IV: Einige Grund...
【预订】Selecta Mathematica I
【预订】Selecta Mathematica I: Maschinenerze...
【预订】Selecta Mathematica III: Polyas Abza...
【预订】Mathematica Kompakt: Mathematische P...
【预订】Selecta Mathematica V: Ein Paradoxon...
【预订】Contemporary Problems in Mathematica...
【预订】Link Between Spatial and Mathematica...
【预订】Mathematica by Example
【预订】Mathematica: Questions and Answers
【预订】Introduction to Mathematica® with Ap...
【预订】Geographical Models with Mathematica...
MATLAB及Mathematica软件应用 李根强 主编 著 大学教材大中专 新华书店正版图书籍 人民邮电出版社
【预售】Fuzzy Operator Theory in Mathematica...
【预售】Software Etudes in the Mathematica: ...
【预售】Mathematica for Bioinformatics